Sunday 25 March 2007

No more screw ups

The Agency finally contacted me again. They told me I screwed up big time for my first job but frankly, I already expected that. I was so sure they were going to shove me in some useless post that I had actually signed up for the university admission thing. Then, they called me and said they were going to give me another chance. I couldn't believe it at first. They were actually going to let me have another go. Second chances are super rare in the Agency. I've only heard the Agency giving second chances to only two trainees. Of course, as your reputation goes up, they get a bit more lenient. But I'm currently a nobody. They told me that my failure was basically due to bad luck, although I could have done a few things better. Looks like the Fathers gave me a good evaluation. Shouldn't called them assholes so much.

So my next hit is in Malaysia. I haven't gotten all the details yet but I know the deadline is about two months away. Looks like a more complicated job this time. The Agency is sending a Father over again to watch me. A father. Singular. Looks like they have a bit more cinfidence in me now. Going to meet him tomorrow but if he turns out to be another stony bastard, I think i'll cry. Recon on the target will probably take a while. Looks like I have to tell everyone I'm going to OCS. The "three week confinement" will give me lots of time.

Had dim sum with the Don, Clement, Brian and Cumar the other day. That dickhead of a Brian told us to meet him at 9.30am. I was a dickhead enough to trust that he'd actually be on time. To top it all off, the buffet started at 11+. If I had my gun with me, his head would not exist with me anymore. That day, I had expected the so called breakfast to end by noon. I had booked the shooting range at the Agency that day. Brian made me miss by slot! If he only knew how hard it was for a person of my rank in the Agency to get a booking... Never mind. No point getting angry. Although next time, if someone needs a hit on him, I'd do it for free.

Later going over to Naomi's. Supposed to bring some food over. A grapes and carrots salad Cumar suggested. Haha very funny. But that's what I'm going to bring. I'm going to buy it. That's right. That's what you get for making some stupid joke like that. Instead of making it, I'm going to buy it and pass it off as my own. And I think I'm going to buy it from the crappiest place possible. So if they say it actually tastes good, I know they're lying.

Alright then. Going to do a little run to keep my fitness up. Going to need it in Malaysia.

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