Monday 19 March 2007

Mostly sick

Not much to report from last time. Didn't do much for the past few days. Got hit by the flu, fever, sorethroat, and everything that comes along with it. Spent much of friday and thursday at home sleeping. Went to Judo on Saturday. That was a bad decision. The whole time, I felt really light-headed. An interesting experience nontheless. It felt really relaxing but suffocating at the same time. I don't really know how to describe it but maybe the closest you can get to that feeling is getting choked. Or the halfway point of being choked. And another thing. The volume of the whole world got turned down that day. Everything was muffled, like somebody stuffed cotton wool in my ears. I still have a bit of that but for that day, it was bad. I kept going "what?" everytime somebody said something. That's why i didn't talk much for dinner. Couldn't bloody hear what people were saying.

Siti's a bitch too. Okay, to be fair, let's say half-bitch. Took my ring and got all childish, refusing to give it back. Normally, I wouldn't mind that much. But that Saturday, being a bit under the weather, she was just pushing my buttons. A quick jab to the throat would've shut her up. and im my light-headed state that day, damned near did that. Quick note to self. Don't go out with people if you're not yourself. My training could get somebody killed.

No word from the higherups yet. I think they may have forgotten about me. Taking university really seriously now. Looking at all the different Unis offering law but the internet's not really helping much. Think I'll end here for now. Still not feeling top form.

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