Sunday 11 March 2007

First Blood

I did it. Mission accomplished. Objective met. I made my first kill. It didn't go as good as I planned it but at least the target is dead. The kill was... I don't know really. It has been a day and I'm still shaking. The Fathers say it's normal for a first kill. That's about the only thing they said to me that day. It wouldn't have been so bad if I had used a bomb or a gun but I used a blade. I went up close and took a life. There is no guilt. I think. Damn it. I'm trained for this shit. Six years of training to turn me into a weapon. There shouldn't be any of these stupid feelings. I live for this. I'm made for this. There is no backing out now. Enough of this nonsense. The job is done.

All I have to do now is wait for my paycheck and the evaluation. Hopefully, my performance wasn't a total disaster. Heck, it wasn't really my fault things got so screwed up. I mean, who the hell would be awake at three in the morning? I watched the target for close to a week and never in that period did he wake up at three. Even the Ear couldn't anticipate that. And for some unknown reason, my target had chosen to change the lock for that day. That made the key I had made useless. Spent a good five minutes trying to pick that lock. What was really messed up was the actual kill. I was supposed to sneak in and give one good jab to the back of the neck. I got in stealthily, got right behind him... and then some stupid baby from don't know where decided to start crying. Does God hate me or does God hate me? My target turned just as I stabbed. The knife went into his throat and there was blood everywhere. The worst part was that he didn't die immediately. He ran all over the place and even managed to stagger ten meters from his flat before dying.

Thank God for the Cleaners. If the Agency hadn't hired them, I have no idea how I would have gotten out of that mess. The Fathers obviously weren't impressed. Even though they were observing from pretty far off, I'm sure they saw the entire cock up. Hopefully, they would just report that it was plain old bad luck that screwed things up. If not, I'm screwed. If they give a bad report, I will either be stuck in the admin department for the rest of my life or I'd be working for the Ear, which is not a fun job at all. At least the Fathers are gone now. They were really annoying. I couldn't even take a leak without feeling watched when they were around.

300. Haven't watched it yet. Argh! Yesterday was just rush rush rush. No time at all for a movie. After the kill, spent half the day doing paperwork. Writing a report and all that stuff. I would've thought an establishment like the Agency wouldn't care about that nonsense but apparently, I was wrong. After the report, I had news from the Ear that some of the judo people would be at the NUS open house. Why the hell did they have to go to open house? Waste of time really. But I had to be there since I told some of them I would be going. So I "accidentally" bumped into them. There went my time to watch 300. Really, if people are unsure on what they want to do and want to see what is offered at open houses, they are essentially screwed. Some people just have no direction in life. Losers. But still, can't really blame the judo people. I mean, they don't have a fallback career like me so I guess they have to take the whole studies thing seriously.

So after that, I thought maybe I could rush to watch 300 and get some dinner. Then Sherman comes along and says he's going training. WTH!? That means I had to go. I had the image as the "enthu" judoka so that means I obviously had to go. At the rate things are going, I think I may never watch 300. And I may be right about that. This morning, woke up really late. Went to judo again in the afternoon and got my ass served to me on a platter. Thrown like a ragdoll. Didn't want to go but had to maintain a believable cover.

Now, I'm going to "book in". That leaves me free from my cover life till thursday. Hopefully till then, I won't have any stupid disturbances. Then I can finally catch the movie.

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