Friday 2 March 2007


Here's my first post. Never thought I'd be blogging but here I am. I write this as a personal diary so if anybody out there is reading this, you can just buzz off.

Went to collect my results today. Lots of people were worried and stuff like that but I really don't see the point. If people wanted to be anxious and worried, they should've been so three months ago. My marks were set three months ago and no matter how much I wail and cry now, it won't change a god damned thing. I studied two years for today. Or at least I pretended to study. This whole thing is a cover anyway so I really can't be bothered about what I get. Still, I got BBC. Not bad considering I never did anything extra outside the classroom. I'll have to go to university of course. It'll be time consuming but necessary. People might get suspicious if I don't go. I think I'll just point at any random course and just go through it. Just for the sake of doing it.

And then, there's the whole NS thing. Of all places, I had to be born in Singapore. Damn. Conscription sucks. I had to shave my head to make it authentic. Well, at least it works. Everybody seems to think I'm in NS now. Although once in a while I still have to get into Pulau Tekong. I let Jing Da get a glimpse of me every once in a while. But the good thing is, I now have a lot more time than before to carry out my assignments. No more insane deadlines to meet.

Besides the "A" level results, another big thing happened today. I got my first contract. About time if you ask me. Six years of training and I finally get my first contract. Most of the others do it in four but I was drafted late. I still have to maintain my cover though. As a quiet, nerdy looking idiot. It's tiring at times but I think I'm getting used to it. Just hope I don't actually turn into my cover persona. The target is a small one but a target nonetheless. Everyone has to start off somewhere. The target's a small time bookie that ran off with a bit of extra cash.

He lives in Singapore so that's convenient. I won't have to travel for this one. Hopefully, I won't screw this one up. Number 1 is watching me on this. If I impress him enough, maybe next time, he'll give me bigger fish to fry. I've got eight days to carry out the hit. Plenty of time to plan, collect data and do all the other stuff. It's going to be perfect. I'll make sure of it. I'm looking forward to this. I've even picked out the method of assassination already. Let's hope all goes well.

Better start planning now. It's never too late to start early.

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