Monday 23 April 2007

Long time no see

Okay. It's been about four weeks since I've last posted but I can't really be blamed. I've been too busy over the past few weeks to have the time to update this blog. Also, I've been way too tired. It has just been work, work and more work. Heck, I just got back into Singapore only on friday. Currently having a short break right now. Maybe a few days more of rest here before I head back to Malaysia and continue working. Of course, this idea of a break wasn't my idea. My Father had suggested. He said something along the lines of if I don't take a break soon, I would snap. As to the correctness of that statement, that remains to be seen. I think I could've continued all the way but it's a but hard to moniter myself. I mean, it is tiring, but I think I could handle it. anyway, I'm back in Singapore now so I might as well make the best of it. I'm considering jumping to Bali for the next few days to relax but I wonder if I have the time. I'll have to check the schedule.

And before I forget, the Father assigned to me is a billion times better than the previous ones. This time, I only got one Father. Guess the Agency figures I can handle myself. This Father actually talks and behaves like a normal human being. I can actually have a proper conversation with this guy. Due to security reasons, we don't talk about personal stuff so that leaves world news. I'm telling you, everyone should have a chat with this guy. He brings a totally new spin on certain issues. And he's funny as hell. Definately much more fun than the previous stuck up pricks. One more thing, this Father actually points my mistakes out. I learn more that way. About two weeks ago, I was tailing the target with my car. I thought everything was cool and going well until Father pointed out that I was driving a rolls-royce. Now, you don't see many rolls-royces in Malaysia so driving that car was as good as pasting a sign with "Look here!" on my forehead. It's the little things that could screw everything up. I got out of there as fast as I could. Don't think the target got a good look at me.

The target is a fifty year old guy. Sounds like a useless old fart right? Wrong. This guy is a real pro. Not like the newbie who I took out the last time. This guy knows people are pissed with him and want his balls. He's being cautious but still manages to live his life. He likes hanging around in crowded places. Makes recon a bitch. And he is very mobile. He has about ten safe locations located all over Malaysia. There are probably more. He jumps from place to place constantly and keeps an irregular schedule. Even after a month of following him around, I still have no idea how to take him down. I don't have a location because I seriously have no idea where he would go next. Looks like a few more weeks of surveillance for me. Hopefully, I can see some sort of pattern. I have about four weeks left. I think that should give me enough time.

This time, I'm not going to use a knife. It's really cool and professional to use a knife but it takes a lot of skill. I don't think I'm at that level yet. It'd all turn out to be a real mess, just like the last time. And I can't afford to screw this one up. It looks like I would be using a gun for this one. Or a bomb. Still haven't decided. I'm leaning towards a bomb. That would get me a high profile kill and maybe I might get some recognition in the community. It isn't very easy to build up your name as a new guy.

Went back to judo on saturday. It's been a long time since I stepped on the dojo. Saw Sherman that day. He looks like a monkey with his hair gone. He must feel like shit. Without his hair, he looks like it too. I went around and told stories about OCS. All the shit that spouted out of my mouth, just came from the internet. I really have no idea how it is like. Apparently, I'm pretty convincing since everyone seems to believe me.

Tomorrow, I will be checking into the ritz carlton. I'm changing hotels everyday for fun. I only go to the five star ones. It is so much fun to annoy the room service people. I will ask for like ten pillows, order all the food, mess up the place, request for free shampoo. It is childish but it's fun. That's the point. For me to relax. For the next month, I don't think I'll have much of that. Better to enjoy myself now.

There's this thing I really gripe about in Malaysia. Its the annoying road signs. Every sign is literally packed with locations and arrows pointing to their respective directions. It really sucks. If I want to find a place, I have to scroll through all the locations. And there are just too many on one sign board. I'd have to slow my car down just to look through the whole list and then, I'd get honked my some proton behind. A god damned proton! Never thought I'd see the day that a proton honk me.

Looks like I've run out of things to say for the moment. I'm expecting the next entry to be maybe a month from now. Hopefully sooner than that.